In preparation for the New Year I signed up for the Australian Women Writers Challenge AWW 2017 reading challenge! I'm aiming for 'Miles' which is reading 6 books by Australian Women and writing 4 reviews of the same.
Sign up for the New Year and Support Australian Women Writers
I wish I'd done it last year as I read many more than 8 books by Australian women! :)
It's a great initiative to support and promote Australia Women Writers. Please join me!
I'm staring my reading next week with my reading haul for my holiday to Tasmania. I may need to review my target quickly! I hope that's possible @lovereadingbooksbyaussiewomen?
I'll be blogging my reviews here! Watch this space.
Thanks @lovereadingbooksbyaussiewomen
Happy New Year, all!
Here's the badge you get for your blog or site when you join #AWW2017